Endor Learn and Develop

Endor Learn and Develop
  • Workforce Skills Workforce Skills
  • Mentor Mentor
  • Employability Skills Employability Skills
Endor Learn and Develop

Please tell us briefly what your company/organisation does

Endor is a leading specialist provider of applied transferable skills. In a nutshell, we deliver practical ideas, tools and techniques to develop the performance of people. We aim to strengthen relationships in the workplace and beyond, by presenting straightforward solutions which people can relate to on a personal level. All our high-impact learning programmes deliver accessible, informative and down-to-earth learning, with a strong emphasis on practical implementation. In addition to offering a wide range of award-winning interpersonal skills programmes, Endor harness the latest in learning technologies to support engagement and deliver blended solutions. We are registered providers of a comprehensive selection validated psychometric tests and occupational personality profiles. Each of our carefully selected assessment tools can be used to reduce risk when making key business decisions by providing insight into individual abilities and expressed preferences in the work situation.

I/We heard about the campaign through

Through business advisors at the North Lincolnshire Networking Group (NLNG)

I/We signed up to the Humber Skills Pledge because

We fully support the aims and aspirations of the Pledge and its supporters. We are committed to extending the capability and commitment of employees in the Humber region and recognise that this will best be realised by working with other organisations to help people access diverse opportunities for skills development.

How I/we see it benefitting the company/organisation

Galvanise ourselves and others to take positive action. Provide a demonstrable commitment to our support. Help translate some of our organisational intentions into clearly defined goals. Benefit through networking with like-minded organisations + provide PR opportunities relating to membership of a pro-active and well managed group. Extend links with Humber LEP.

How I/We see it benefitting the wider community / local economy

Develop skills in our region to support local growth and align these skills to the evolving needs of the local economy. Encourage new, home-grown talent to stay in the region and promote the adoption of transferable skills to assist with career progression across industries which will enhance long-term operational flexibility.

If you have recently started fulfilling one or more of the pledges since signing up, what are you doing?

• Currently sharing the results of extensive in-house study into what UK organisations value most in their employees. This funded investigation undertaken by Endor, into the key transferable skills most prized by employers across all sectors, has received support from: the Knowledge Transfer Project, University of Hull and the Design Enterprise Centre. We have gathered feedback from hundreds of businesses including involvement from: HR teams, manufacturing, ICT, logistics, service industries, food and drinks, plastics and polymers, local government, nursing & healthcare, banking & insurance; plus the Humber Leaders Project. Research has revealed that an strong appetite exists to find a common language which can meaningfully be applied, to engage all groups of employee and help meaningfully express work requirements in a way that will translate across different work groups.

From this research we have identified 21 transferable currencies – workplace attributes which have been shown to be associated with successful outcomes in role. We are currently presenting the results of this ‘Language of Work Project’ with various local organisations - to help drive the adoption of a common transferable skills framework and help young people better understand (and be ready for) the evolving world of work.

Additionally, we are partnering with a local technology company to create an accessible online profiling tool based on these 21 work currencies - which when applied, can help employees manage their own personal development by aligning their personal preferences to recognised work requirements.

• We are also currently providing pro-bono support to Voluntary Action North Lincs (VANL), to help both managers and volunteers in the non-for profit sector to extend their performance, mapped against their core skills framework

If you were already fulfilling one or more of the pledges before signing up to the campaign, please tell us what you do

• We have booked a number of sessions through a local college (North Lindsey College), to improve the skills of our own workforce during the first quarter of 2017.

• Also, we actively support the delivery of employability skills on an ongoing basis and work with many local organisations to bolster a wide range of applied interpersonal skills, all of which will help individuals to find and sustaining employment and / or excel in their existing work environment.

What would you say to someone thinking of supporting the campaign?

Do it ! Fill in the on-line form and get involved
