We achieve social good through creative marketing.
I was involved in its initial development and spoke at the launch event.
We have to invest in people and create opportunities in order to move forward. I find it odd that an organisation wouldn’t abide by the principles.
We get new ideas and energy that we wouldn’t have if we remained insular.
Our work is all about benefiting the community. By engaging with people directly affected by our work, we have a much greater chance of getting it right.
In 2016, we have provided over a dozen work placements for young people and employed a graduate in a full-time position. It part of standard business for us and continues to benefit all involved.
We have always provided work placements, however recently we have done so with greater structure and to provide employment routes with partner organisations.
Saying you will support the campaign is easy, implementing it properly takes discipline, though I am will confident will add value to any business.