ongo Partnership & North Lincolnshire Homes

ongo Recruitment
  • Workforce Skills Workforce Skills
  • Apprenticeships Apprenticeships
  • Mentor Mentor
  • Employability Skills Employability Skills
  • Work Placement Work Placement
 ongo Partnership & North Lincolnshire Homes

ongo is fulfilling the pledge of increasing skills within the workforce through its annual training programme which is built around the needs of each employee. This includes opportunities to gain skills and qualifications through informal and formal routes including NVQ's and higher/university education.

ongo also has an apprentice scheme and currently employ Katie who undertook a formal NVQ and Chartered Institute of Housing Level 2 qualifications under the auspices of an accredited CIH training company. She completed the training programme in one year and after 15 months was appointed on a full-time permanent role. Katie recently attended and made a presentation to our Board’s Resources Committee about her experience as an Apprentice. This proved very successful and excellent feedback was received about her attitude and enthusiasm.

Overall ongo believe the Skills Pledge benefits them asinvesting in training and education helps them grow their people to be successful and fulfil their potential both within the ongo group of companies and in any other roles they may move into during their careers. It will benefit the wider community as helping unemployed people into work creates a strong and vibrant community that creates opportunities for everyone.

Please tell us briefly what your company/organisation does

ongo is a partnership set up to give something back to the communities in which it works. Its purpose is to look for new business opportunities, whilst also creating new initiatives to help the people of North Lincolnshire. All profit made through the partnership will be reinvested directly into North Lincolnshire Homes. The ongo partnership includes a commercial company, the social landlord North Lincolnshire Homes and a charitable subsidiary.
